#111, Karan Centre, S. D. Road, Landmark: Near Grand Solitaire Annex Hotel &
Near Minerva Complex, Secunderabad,
Hyderabad, Telangana,
India. Pin Code: 500003
Vertigo is a sense of spinning dizziness. The reasons for vertigo can be many. It can happen if there is a problem with the inner ear, brain, or a sensory nerve pathway. The causes could be Central or Peripheral. The central causes of vertigo arise in the brain or spinal cord, while peripheral vertigo happens due to a problem within the inner ear. Vertigo is distinct from lightheadedness, dizziness and unsteadiness.
Though it can happen at any age, it's most common for those over 65 years of age. Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. Vertigo can be temporary or long-term. The attacks of vertigo can be sudden and last for a few seconds, or much longer. If you have these attacks coming back frequently for several days, and interfering with your normal life, it is time you consult a general physician.
Vertigo is commonly caused by a problem in the inner ear, although it can also be caused by problems in parts of the brain. Some of the other causes are:
You may also experience additional symptoms depending on the cause of vertigo, such as a high temperature, hearing loss and ringing in your ears (tinnitus).
Your physician may conduct a physical examination and look for signs of conditions that may have caused vertigo. Depending on your symptoms, your GP may refer you to a hospital or specialist for further tests. The ENT specialist may advice the following test to identify the actual cause for vertigo, such as:
Hearing tests may include an audiometry test or a tuning fork test
Videonystagmography (VNG) is sometimes used to check for signs of nystagmus in more detail. Nystagmus can indicate if the organs that help you to balance have a problem.
Caloric testing A caloric test involves running warm or cool water or air into your ear for about 30 seconds to see if the balance organ in the ear is affected.
Scans Your doctor may advice a scan of your head to look for the cause of your vertigo, like a non-cancerous brain tumour. Usually, either a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan or a computerised tomography (CT) scan is used for diagnosis.
Some cases of vertigo improve with time, without any treatment. However, some people have repeated episodes for many months, or even years, such as those with Meniere's disease. Your ENT specialist will be the best person to guide you on the treatment depending on the individual case.
There are a variety of treatments for vertigo including self-care remedies, medications, and physical therapy maneuvers.
The treatment for Vertigo depends on the cause or the condition responsible for vertigo. If vertigo is caused by Labrynthitis (inner ear infection) it is normally caused by a viral or bacterial infection antibiotics may be prescribed.
There are specific treatments for some causes of vertigo. A series of simple head movements (known as the Epley manoeuvre) is used to treat BPPV.
Few Selfcare Tips for Vertigo include:
Self-care or doing things that relieve your symptoms can help, in some cases depending on what's causing your vertigo. Your GP or the specialist treating you may advise you to do some things that will help tackle the vertigo symptoms such as:
BSR is equipped with latest Technologies and Equipment and has its own Otoneuro Clinic for ear disorders. It uses Middle Ear Transducers (MET), Zeiss Microscope, Lasers, Clinical and Biochemical Laboratory / Radiology for diagnosis and effective treatment.
The vast experience and expertise of doctors are a value add which ensure safe and successful treatment outcomes. The patient-centric approach is very much valued by their patients. The doctors and the nursing staff are patient-friendly and compassionate to address any kind of discomfort or pain of the patient.